Why is Brussels sprouts unpopular with children?
The majority of children eat Brussels sprouts, broccoli or spinach extremely reluctantly. This has little to do with the common color, but has an evolutionary background. As a hunter and collector, Homo Sapiens always had to pay attention to what he took. Bitter or acid was classified by the brain as poisonous and thus rejected from the diet. However, the increasing development of the brain of modern man has made it possible to overcome this instinct, so that everything that tastes bitter or sour is no longer automatically rejected. In children, this cognitive performance is not yet fully developed, so that there is an automatic warning reaction in the child's brain, which is often interpreted by parents as stubbornness. So do not force children to eat bitter vegetables. However, it can be said ironically that adults who do not like Brussels sprouts probably have not yet overcome the brain stage of a hunter-gatherer.
Red Brussels sprouts
The so-called ruby Brussels sprouts were only cultivated in 1953 and cold as a botanical masterpiece. Not only does it look spectacular, it is also particularly nutritious. However, this cabbage does not enjoy great popularity, since it loses its great colour when cooked and can therefore hardly justify the considerable additional costs when shopping.